Introduction Since Symbian 7.0s you can play MP3 on some smartphones via MMF, but what if your phone does not support MP3 decoder? Or if you want to receive decoded MP3 by yourself? I will show you how to adopt MAD (MPEG audio decoder, libmad) for u
部分代码(内含3个例子,1分绝对划算): function yc0=GM1(x0,N) %x0 is the original data , %N is the number you want to predict. n=length(x0); for i=1:n x1(i)=sum(x0(1:i)); end % for k=2:n % 紧邻均生成 z % z(k)=0.5*x1(k)+0.5*x1(k-1);
部分代码: function Population1=GA_tubian(Population,pe_tubian) %遗传算法突变算子 %pe为突变概率 Population1=Population; n=length(Population(:,1)); m=length(Population(1,:)); for i=1:n for j=1:m test=rand; if test<pe_tubian Population1(i,j)=1-Popula