Train Communication Network IEC 61375-2 Real Time Protocols Message Services 1. Principle of Message Data communication 2. Link Layer Interface 3. Networking and Routing 4. Transport protocol 5. Software structure 6. Application Interface
Train Communication Network IEC 61375-2 Real Time Protocols Process Variables 1. Principle of cyclic Process Data broadcast 2. Traffic Stores principle and implementation 3. Process Variables and Datasets 4. Software structure 5. Application Layer I
Train Communication Network IEC 61375 - 4 Wire Train Bus This is the train bus standardized in IEC 61375 for interconnecting rail vehicles 1. Applications in rail vehicles 2. Physical layer a. Electrical RS 485 b. Middle-Distance c. Fibre Optics 3.
Train Communication Network IEC 61375 - 3 Multifunction Vehicle Bus This is the vehicle bus standardized in IEC 61375 for interconnecting rail vehicles 1. Applications in rail vehicles 2. Physical layer 1. Electrical RS 485 2. Middle-Distance 3. Fib
英文资源:Train Communication Network,IEC 61375 - 2 Real Time Protocols Process Variables 目录: Real-Time Protocols 1. General Principles 2. Variables 3. Messages 1. Principle of Message Data communication 5. Software structure 2. Link Layer Interface 4. T
1 引言
TCN(Train Communication Network)总体结构是由WTB(绞线式列车总线)和MVB(多功能车辆总线)组成,符合IEC61375-1标准。本文主要围绕WTB链路控制的帧格式进行研究。鉴于IEC61375-1标准中规定的WTB帧数据格式与IS03309中定义的HDLC(High Level Data Link Control)格式一致,基带Manchester-Biphase-L技术编解码器现则围绕HDLC展开。