通信工程专业《专业英语三、 各考试单元中重点复习的内容如下: Unit 1:第一段中从:Practical equipments-------------至本段结束。 第三段全段,并关注其中两个句子:一个是从25行的“It is the relationship of……到27行的communication engineer.” 另一个是从“31行的Alternative examples-----至-----so is the noise power.” 第五段中从:So far in th
TCP友好的多媒体通信实验、AIMD算法、ns-2仿真、相关论文 Implements MPEG_APP. MPEG_APP has the same flow-control mechanism as MM_APP. But, it reads in a MPEG trace file and generates traffic based on the input file and congestion notification from the network
这是一个基于B/S结构的通信原理仿真平台的源代码和技术报告还有Demo。它可以帮助你建立一个通信原理网上实验室,为学生提供在线实验。 这是由华中科技大学王晶 在大三的时候开发的。历时4个月。 Communication Principle is a very practical course, so doing some experiments will improve students’ understanding of the course. MATLAB is very good sof
IT++ is a C++ library of classes and functions for linear algebra, numerical optimization, signal processing, communications, and statistics.[1] It is being developed by researchers in these areas and is widely used by researchers, both in the commu