This MATLAB toolbox implements the Fourier-Mellin transform. Necessary requirements are the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox and the cartesian to log-polar conversion code (which is included).
这是 P-Code DIPUM Toolbox v2.0.3 (最新版2009-10)网站上说是2.0.1最新,而实际上是这个版本2.0.3最新!! 10点,别嫌贵哈,这个可是真花了 $39.95 USD 买来的。 看以下说明,你就明白了: ( The DIPUM Toolbox™ 2 is a set of nearly 120 new M-func
This toolbox is meant to facilitate the manipulation of images and video in Matlab. Its purpose is to complement, not replace, Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox, and in fact it requires that the Matlab Image Toolbox be installed. Emphasis has been p
官网要30刀。These MATLAB functions were created for the book Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 2nd edition, by R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, and S.L. Eddins, Gatesmark Publishing, 2009. The functions supplement and extend the image processing functiona