Learn how to create beautiful, interactive, browser-based data visualizations with the D3 Javascr ipt library. This hands-on book shows you how to use a combination of Javascr ipt and SVG to build everything from simple bar charts to complex infogra
The d3 Javascr ipt library allows us to make beautiful, interactive browser-based data visualisations. By joining standard web page elements with a well-formed data set, d3 enables us to create everything from simple bar charts to complex infographi
Highcharts is a popular type of web charting software that produces stunning and smooth animated HTML5 SVG graphs. Joe Kuan continues the Learning Highcharts series, with the second edition comprising of brand new content and revised chapters. The b
Overview RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous network requests easy ! To learn more about RoboSpice in 30 seconds, try [this infographics] (https://raw.github.com/stephanenicolas/robospice/master/gfx/RoboSpice-InfoG
Over the years, I have been digging through large data sets both for work and pleasure. I love numbers, charts, graphs, visualizations, zeitgeists, raumzeitgeists, infographics and old maps. Getting to peek into what companies like Google get to see
This Letter proposes to apply full-color computer-generated holograms to the virtual image projection system so that the viewers can comfortably view floating images. Regarding the spatial division and distribution operation, a modified Gerchberg–Sax