JBI components are where the SOA rubber hits the road: they provide and use the services that are at the heart of service-oriented architecture. Components must bridge the gap between a services model based on message exchange and the particular tec
JBI(Java Business Integration,Java业务集成,Java业务整合)即JSR 208是一种企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,ESB),使我们能够用Java实现面向服务的架构。企业正转向以面向服务架构(SOA)和网络服务,以提供灵活的IT系统,用一种成本低廉的方式来支持快速变化的商业需求。
JBI(Java Business Integration,Java业务集成,Java业务整合)即JSR 208是一种企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,ESB),使我们能够用Java实现面向服务的架构。企业正转向以面向服务架构(SOA)和网络服务,以提供灵活的IT系统,用一种成本低廉的方式来支持快速变化的商业需求。
JBI(Java Business Integration,Java业务集成,Java业务整合)即JSR208是一种企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,ESB),使我们能够用Java实现面向服务的架构。企业正转向以面向服务假构(SOA)和网络服务,以提供灵活的IT系统,用一种成本低廉的方式来支持快速变化的商业需求。
The ServiceMix Bean component provides integration with beans (POJOs) with the JBI bus to make it easy to use POJOs to process JBI message exchanges. Like in an Message Driven Bean in J2EE a POJO will receive a message from the NMR and process it in