Dear 'Ajax in Action' Readers,This zip file gathers together the source code for the examples in the 'Ajax in Action' book. Code is organized by chapter, and, within each chapter, subfolders for the original and the refactored versions of the exampl
利用.Net FrameWork3.5提供的Json库实现C#与Json数据转换时,对于Datetime类型的数据,生成格式如下数据 /Date(10000000000-0700)/ 不直观,同时相当部分js库无法直接使用.利用正则表达式替换成"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"格式以便于使用 使用举例: T t = new T(); String sJson =t.ToJson(); T t1 = JosonHelper.FromJson(sJason);
Cosmic Simple work with REST JSON API for DART Usage A simple usage example: import package:http/http.dart as http; import package:cosmic/converters/cosmic_converters.dart; import package:cosmic/annotations/cosmic_annotations.dart; import pac
public HttpResponseMessage getsystemtime()
cltime time = new cltime();
time.datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss);
string relsut = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(time);
var resp = new H