1,编写程序,判断给定的某个年份是否是闰年。 闰年的判断规则如下: (1)若某个年份能被4整除但不能被100整除,则是闰年。 (2)若某个年份能被400整除,则也是闰年。 import java.util.Scanner; class Bissextile{ public static void main(String[] arge){ System.out.print("请输入年份"); int year; //定义输入的年份名字为“year” Scanner scanner = new S
表设计器是一个小工具,帮助您在几秒钟内快速创建表数据模型。 特点: 1.Table model design: create table, fields, primary key, foreign key and comments 2.Text scr ipt to create models quickly 3.Diagram layout with logical and physical model views 4.Import exists tables from database (
#define N 200 #include #include #include #define LEFT 0x4b00 #define RIGHT 0x4d00 #define DOWN 0x5000 #define UP 0x4800 #define ESC 0x011b int i,key; int score=0;/*得分*/ int gamespeed=50000;/*游戏速度自己调整*/ struct Food { int x;/*食物的横坐标*/ int y;/*食物的纵坐
About CocoStudio is a game development tool kit based on Cocos2d-x. It breaks down tasks in game development into different roles, it includes: UI editor for UI graphic artists, Animation editor for graphic artists, Number cruncher for game data des
With a total installation size of just 200Mb and a CD size of just 99.9Mb, this has to be one of the smallest Windows XP installations out there. Whats more - you can use 99% of the programs you always use and up to now there is not one single repor