Linux内核完全注释(0.11) A Heavily Commented Linux Kernel Source CodeLinux Version 0.11这是本站献给那些致力于Linux软件开发和使用爱好者的一本有关Linux内核工作原理的入门书。内容简介本书对Linux早期操作系统内核(v0.11)全部代码文件进行了详细全面的注释和说明,旨在使读者能够在尽量短的时间内对Li nux的工作机理获得全面而深刻的理解,为进一步学习和研究Linux系统打下坚实的基础。虽然所选择的版本较低,但该
Linux新手管理员指南(中文版) LINUX NEWBIE ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE (Simplified Chinese Version) Linux Newbie Administrator Guide 英文原版版权所有:Peter and Stan Klimas. 中文版本由幻影快递Linux小组(SLT-Shadowfax Linux Team) 翻译整理 中文版本版权所有:幻影快递Li n
转自小文论坛---红帽工作室制作室 简介 1994 年,Young 和Mark Ewing 创建了Red Hat 公司,并创造了全球使用最广泛的Red H at Linux 套件,为Linux 的普及立下了汗马功劳,笔者也是跟随着Red Hat 的带领下走进 Linux 世界的。Red Hat 取得了辉煌的成绩,甚至许多Linux 发行公司还采用了许多Red Hat Linux的代码,如Mandrake、SOT Best、Connectiva、Abit 和Kondara。可以说,Red Hat
Linux Bible 2008 Edition is here to open your eyes to what Linux is, where it came from, and where it’s going. But, most of all, the book is here to hand you Linux and help you get started. Because Linux is the operating system of free speech and fr
Totally 2 parts. This is part-1 A tutorial suitable for beginners. Very detailed and specific. Beginning Ubuntu Linux is split into seven parts, each of which contains chapters about a certain aspect of Ubuntu use. These parts can be read in sequenc
Copyright Preface The Audience for This Book Background Information Organization of the Material Conventions Used in This Book Using Code Examples We'd Like to Hear from You Safari Enabled Acknowledgments Part I: General Background Chapter 1. Introd
Advanced Linux Programming By Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, Alex Samuel Advanced Linux Programming is divided into two parts. The first covers generic UNIX system services, but with a particular eye towards Linux specific information. This portion