Three of CouchDB’s creators show you how to use this document-oriented database as a standalone application framework or with high-volume, distributed applications. With its simple model for storing, processing, and accessing data, CouchDB is ideal
What is Lua? Lua is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scr ipting language. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data descr iption constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs
This application shows you how to implement professional looking scrolling credits. There are two different demos: top to bottom and left to right. You can click on the credited individual to send him/her an e-mail.
以前和大家分享过SIGMOD2009的论文,朋友们都很感兴趣,现手里有SIGMOD211的全部论文,再次和大家分享~ 一个包放不下,一共分成了3个包,包含百余篇论文,朋友们可以挑选自己感兴趣的部分下载,我尽量把文章目录写得明白一些。 这是第三部分 Emerging Trends in the Enterprise Data Analytics: Connecting Hadoop and DB2 Warehouse (Page 1161) Fatma Özcan (IBM Almaden Re
此公式解析系统能够计算各种算术运算、逻辑运算和比较运算,可以连接本地函数,支持括号分级,允许逐级设置公式内临时变量,提供了分支运算符,并且支持 Json 数据格式的运算。系统编写中使用了很多设计方法,包括概念抽取、继承、多态、面向接口设计、枚举、递归、工厂等等。数据结构也使用了好用但少见的双端队列。很适合对应情况的实用以及学习 Java 的设计思路、编程方式。本程序由 Shane Loo LI 设计和编写,所有的细节都注重了运行效率,在很多细节上都制作了数倍优于爪哇(Java)系统类库的方法;
外国人写的VB例子 SMTP: Simple Mail Testing Program he code is actually pretty simple, it simply uses windows own Winsock to send e-mail via SMTP. It makes a connection via TCP on port 25 (If you don't understand what TCP and port 25 is, you may consider br
Table of Contents List of Programs ix Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii Checking Values of Character Variables Introduction 1 Using PROC FREQ to List Values 1 Descr iption of the Raw Data File PATIENTS.TXT 2 Using a DATA Step to Check for Invalid Valu