Linux System Programming 是一本基础的介绍Linux 系统编程的书籍,深入浅出,语言通俗易懂,对了解基本的Linux系统函数和原理很有帮助。由于没有冗繁的代码分析和说教,非常适合Linux初学者。虽然有些方面类似Linux man page, 但是如此年轻的作者能写出如此浅显易懂的Linux书籍实属难得。 建议大家看英文版(不知有无中文版).
In this book, Robert Love has taken on the unenviable task of teaching the reader about almost every system call on a Linux system. In so doing, he has produced a tome that will allow you to fully understand how the Linux kernel works from a user-sp
If any evolving operating system is a moving target, Linux is a rabid cheetah. Progress is measured in days, not years, and frequent releases of the kernel and other components constantly morph the playing field. No book can hope to capture such a d