RTOS-嵌入式系统微内核概念和实现 Realtime Operating Systems Concepts and Implementation of Microkernels for Embedded Systems Dr. Jürgen Sauermann, Melanie Thelen-RTOS-embedded systems and the realization of the concept of micro-kernel Realtime Operating SystemsCo
区块链英文书籍Melanie Swan所写 1. Blockchain 1.0: Currency Technology Stack: Blockchain, Protocol, Currency 1 The Double-Spend and Byzantine Generals’ Computing Problems 2 How a Cryptocurrency Works 3 eWallet Services and Personal Cryptosecurity 3 Merchant A
统计学习数据挖掘推理和预测的要素 This is page v Printer: Opaque this To our parents: Valerie and Patrick Hastie Vera and Sami Tibshirani Florence and Harry Friedman and to our families: Samantha, Timothy, and Lynda Charlie, Ryan, Julie, and Cheryl Melanie, Dora, Mo