This guide provides useful information for developers who want to develop JavaTM ME (Micro Edition) applications—known as MIDlets—for Motorola handsets running Motorola OS. It includes information on support APIs, details on developing and packaging
本文档讲述了FileConnection API [JSR-075],并简要介绍了该包中包含的MIDlet范例以及诺基亚特有的一些实现细节。本文档假定读者熟悉Java™编程,并具有移动信息设备描述 (Mobile Information Device Profile, MIDP)编程的基础,MIDP编程基础可参见诺基亚论坛中的文档MIDP 1.0: Introduction to MIDlet Programming [MIDPPROG]。FileConnection API是一个受限API,
EclipseME is an Eclipse plugin to help develop J2ME MIDlets. EclipseME does the "grunt work" of connecting Wireless Toolkits to the Eclipse development environment, allowing you to focus on developing your application, rather than worrying about the