对于想进行61850开发的朋友有帮助 MMS-EASE Lite includes a high-level interface layer referred to as MVL (MMS-Virtual-Lite). MVL is closely coupled to the lower layer subsystem components provided by SISCO and provides an application framework that is suitable for
MMS(ManufacturingMessage Specification)是变电站自动化系统的新一代国际通讯标准IEC61850实现的关键,MMS - EASE L ite是利用MMS实现IEC61850的重要方法。文章对IEC61850的ACSI类模型和服务作了介绍,给出了ACSI主要类实例与 MMS对象和服务的映射关系及MMS - EASE L ite的实现接口,详细分析ACSI类实例的MMS - EASE L ite实现过程
The SISCO MMS Embedded Application Service Element (MMS-EASE) consists of a library of C functions that implement a high-level, real-time Application Program Interface (API) to the Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS). The MMS-EASE API consists
SISCO’s MMS- EASE Lite ( E mbedded A pplication Service Element) is a C language Application P rogram I nterface (API) for the M anufacturing M essage S pecification (MMS) protocol. It consists of source code modules derived from the MMS-EASE produc