This chapter introduces the ARM11 MPCore processor and its features. It contains the following sections: • About the processor on page 1-2 • Extensions to ARMv6 on page 1-4 • MP11 CPU overview on page 1-5 • Power management on page 1-18 • Configurab
arm官方的cortex-a57手册 Preface About this book ......................................................................................................... viii Feedback ......................................................................................
The processor incorporates up to four MP11 CPUs that implement the ARM architecture v6K. It supports the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, Jazelle technology to enable direct execution of Java bytecodes, and a range of SIMD DSP instructions that opera
VxWorks® is a multicore-capable Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), commonly used in fully featured embedded subsystems where a commercial runtime software and tool chain solution is required. Supporting a variety of CPU architectures, most notably t