此MS-DOS 7.10安装光盘包含MS-DOS 7.10完整安装版和一些附件。将ISO光盘镜像文件(DOS71CD.ISO)刻录到光盘中以做成MS-DOS 7.10安装光盘,或者在虚拟机(如VMWare)中将它作为虚拟光盘来安装MS-DOS 7.10。在安装前需要将主分区格式化为FAT32格式的,如果你没有进行该操作,在后面的过程中会出现以下错误(Invalid system disk;Replace the disk, and then press any key)。这需要对磁盘进行分区和
Installation Notes ================== Welcome to MS-DOS 7.10 Installation CD! To start to install MS-DOS 7.10, you can just boot your system from this MS-DOS 7.10 Installation CD, because it's a bootable CD. Then the DOS installation should begin au