MSP-FET430UIF 驱动 MSP-FET430U-JTAG 是利尔达公司开发的 USB 接口仿真调试工具。类似于先前并口调试工具,如 FET 仿真器, USB 接口调试工具使用 PC 机的 USB 接口与运行在 PC 上的调试软件(如, IAR' Embedded Workbench )进行通信。采用标准 14 脚 JTAG 接口与 MSP430 芯片通信。 特性: ・ MSP调试接口,连接MSP430FLASH型芯片到PC的USB 接口 ・ 适用软件: IAR EW430 3.21或
The Max visual programming environment is a very effective way to work with digital media, in applications from prototype to finished product. Max was created in the mid 1980’s, and its flexible message-passing architecture has enabled it to evolve
This paper presents MaxScore, a Max object that provides standard western music notation in Max/MSP (Puckette, Zicarelli). MaxScore supports a rich set of Max messages that allows the user to populate a score with notes, query note properties, trans