MVP Clean Architecture A sample project using Clean architecture and MVP Motivation Auto learning and make an example of Clean Architecture with MVP are the principal motivation for this app Inspired by the project EffectiveAndroidUI by pedrovgs tha
Android architecture This project shows how to build and app using mvp. It provides the basic infrastructure to handle multhithreading and errors. The project doesnt use any DI framework, but can be used anyway. The project is a sample that shows a
Android Clean Architecture - Kotlin This is an Android Clean Architecture base project using 100% Kotlin including Unit tests! You could use it as the base project when you create a new Android project. This architecture optimized the Clean Architec
ListenerMusicPlayer Introdution 一款优雅的遵循 Material Design 的开源音乐播放器,UI参考 腾讯轻听 音乐播放器,使用 Lastfm Api 与 酷狗歌词Api。项目架构采用 mvp-clean,基于 Retrofit2 Dagger2 Rxjava RxBus Glide。 A grace open source music player which following the google material design. Using las
Clean Arch Android clean architecture with data binding. Based on MVP pattern. Clean Arch adalah turunan dari pola arsitektur model-view-presenter (MVP). Paradigma ini di buat dalam memaksimalkan maintenable code. Sehingga, hal-hal yang esensial sud
Base Base is a lightweight library that gives you a clean architecture foundation for your Android MVPs. The main objective of this repository is to show developers how I would architect my Android code in future projects. For more details of this
> Introduction This is a SIMPLE MVP-CLEAN KOTLIN sample of Rosie Implementation Architecture! This sample includes Application Activity Fragment UseCase Repository MVP Clean Rosie is an Android framework to create applicati