diablo II 地图查看器,VC编写!~!~1, 兼容maphack 5.1 2, 增加对ias/fhr/fbr等很多属性的显示,在角色状态窗口中可以看到。cfg里的缺省热健:VK_5--第一个属性;VK_6--前一个属性;VK_7--后一个属性 3, 偷窥属性点。cfg里的缺省热健为VK_9。不过好多地方不准确,只能作参考用。比如不包括charm的加成,anya的4r奖励看不到,vit/eng/life/mana只能看到装备的加成。<br> ; 4, 增加keep Game W
百威英博网申题 帮你网申成功 1.Part way through a project you realize that you need more time to complete it. Your colleagues are also struggling on their part of the project and you happen to be more expert in that area and so they ask you for help. On top of th
This book describes philosophies, principles, practices and techniques for managing risk in projects and procurements, with a particular focus on complex or large-scale activities. The authors cover the basics of risk management in the context of pr
WinINet makes network programming easier, but it's difficult to use for C++ because of its C-style interface, so I write this code to wrap it. Using it, you can easily create an asynchronous HTTP request and receive event callback. It can be applied
PART 1 TEEING OFF WITH SEAM.....................................................1 1 ■ Seam unifies Java EE 3 2 ■ Putting seam-gen to work 29 PART 2 SEAM FUNDAMENTALS ......................................................81 3 ■ The Seam life cycle 83
What this book covers Chapter 1, CMS Core Design, discusses how a content management system works, and the various ways to administrate it, followed by code which allows a page to be retrieved from a database based on the URL requested. www.it-ebook