一本国外的关于GNSS系统的书,作者金双根。目录如下 Chapter 1High Sensitivity Techniques for GNSS Signal Acquisitionby Fabio Dovis and Tung Hai Ta Chapter 2Baseband Hardware Designs in Modernised GNSS Receiversby Nagaraj C. Shivaramaiah and Andrew G. Dempster Chapter 3Unamb
Superpixel code, The idea of superpixels was originally developed by Xiaofeng Ren and Jitendra Malik [1]. This implementation is different, and is a version of that used in [2],[3]. See the README for more information.http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~mori/rese
MoriRouter Annotation based Android router library. This library for single activity application. And This library provide easy implementation for SharedElement. Futures Auto generate routing codes Auto generate Fragment builder codes DeepLink suppo