Editorial Reviews Product Descr iption The iPhone and iPod touch have provided all software developers with a level playing field—developers working alone have the same access to consumers as multinational software publishers. Very cool indeed! To m
Apress, 2009 The book opens with Wolfgang Ante, the developer behind the Frenzic puzzle game, showing how timers, animation, and intelligence are used to make game play engaging. It moves on to Rogue Amoeba's Mike Ash explaining how to design a netw
The iPhone and iPod touch have provided all software developers with a level playing field—developers working alone have the same access to consumers as multinational software publishers. Very cool indeed! To make your application stand out from the
Today's system administrators deal with a vast number of situations, operating systems, software packages, and problems. Those who are in the know have kept their copy of Linux Server Hacks close at hand to ease their burden. And while this helps, i
Today's system administrators deal with a vast number of situations, operating systems, software packages, and problems. Those who are in the know have kept their copy of Linux Server Hacks close at hand to ease their burden. And while this helps, i
Over the last several decades, SQL has evolved from a language known only to Computer specialists to a widely used international standard of the computer industry. The number of new applications deployed each year using SQL now totals in the million
原来的光盘比较大,有152M。经过整理(去掉mdb,mdf文件,保留sql文件,包括建表sql,添加数据sql,查询sql,并且放入《SQL查询者初学者指南》附录.pdf,以供查看示例数据库结构),仅2M多,方便各位同学下载。 如果需要看原书SQL Queries for Mere Mortals 2th Edition,可以在csdn资源里搜索。
“这本书是我知道VSTO和.NET Framework后,最想得到的一本书。这本书对于那些使用VSTO的人和任何想从Office VBA转到VB.NET上来的人来说都是非常有用的。书中所讲的大量主题提供了比MSDN或其它任何地方都更深层次和以开发人员为中心的文档。”——Cindy Meister, MS Word MVP
“这本书是我知道VSTO和.NET Framework后,最想得到的一本书。这本书对于那些使用VSTO的人和任何想从Office VBA转到VB.NET上来的人来说都是非常有用的。书中所讲的大量主题提供了比MSDN或其它任何地方都更深层次和以开发人员为中心的文档。”——Cindy Meister, MS Word MVP