The book is an interesting read if only because its topic matter ranges from network complexity in physical systems, to biological systems, and finally social and cultural systems. Personally I think there are a few longbows drawn, but in fairness C
mozart-oz语言是Universität des Saarlandes、Swedish Institute of Computer Science、Université catholique de Louvain等联合开发的新一代计算机语言 ,语言本身有haskell,lisp,prolog,c,perl,java等的影子,有你想要的几乎全部特性,例如: 约束编程特性: 处理复杂约束中语言提供了搜索引擎 ,我们只用定义约束关 系即可,除非非常复杂的问题,一般不需要程序员定义搜