On the National Instruments web site you can find a very nice article about creating Multithreaded DAQ Applications. This document describes how to use LabVIEW to isolate different tasks of an application. It shows several different approaches to wr
Today, there are three primary sets of multithreading (MT) libraries: the “standards-based” libraries (all of the UNIX® implementations and VMS, which are moving to POSIX), the OS/2® library, and the Win32 library. (The NT and OS/2 libraries are fai
在此TCP聊天服务器和客户端示例中,我使用共享堆栈来分发多线程聊天服务器的工作负载。 聊天服务器应该能够同时接受多个聊天客户端TCP连接。
Multithreaded TCP chat server declares 1 thread to run ‘Portal TCP Server’ on port 50000; four threads to ru