Unity3D NGUI for GUI developing 强大的Unity3d UI插件,此版为目前最新版本,已亲测。 2.6.2: - NEW: You can now automatically apply alpha pre-multiplication to textures when creating an atlas. - NEW: Added UIWidget.Raycast to perform a raycast without using colliders. - N
3.0.5 - NEW: Added a way to set Localization's language using specified name and dictionary combo - NEW: Added UIInput.onChange that gets called whenever the input field's text changes for any reason. - NEW: Right-clicking in the scene view with a U
NGUI最新版本 NGUI: Next-Gen UI v3.0.7 f1 (Dec 09,2013) https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/2413 加入NGUI最新的布局系统--- NGUI LayOut System Requires Unity 3.5.7 or higher. NGUI is a very powerful UI system and event notification framework. Features: -F