win 7下可用的虚拟光驱DAEMON Tools Lite v4.30.4_软件 DAEMON Tools Lite可以制作简单光盘映像文件和模拟CD/DVD光驱的最流行软件产品 1.模拟虚拟的CD/DVD-ROM/HD DVD and 蓝光驱动器。 精灵虚拟光驱简洁版(商业版)是你能够模仿多达4个CD/DVD与同一台电脑。虚拟驱动器将在您的操作系统中如同真的一样展现。选择一个虚拟驱动器然后选择你想安装的光盘映像。在“我的电脑”找到已装有光盘映像的创建的虚拟光驱。开始工作! 看起来就像使用真
PART 1 THE C++/CLI LANGUAGE ........................................ 1 1 ■ Introduction to C++/CLI 3 2 ■ Getting into the CLI: properties, delegates and arrays 46 3 ■ More C++/CLI: stack semantics, function overriding, and generic programming 86 PAR
Machine Learning with TensorFlow gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts plus hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Pub
Machine Learning with TensorFlow gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts plus hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Pub
Android-Utils Android Library facilitating some very common functionalities in the form of utility classes for Android Built with ❤︎ by Nishant Srivastava and contributors
The Tenth Structural Engineering Convention 2016 (SEC-2016) was organized by CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre jointly with IIT Madras and Anna University, Chennai, during 21–23 December 2016 at CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India. SEC-2016 provided