W4F(Wysiwyg Web Wrapper Factory)是一个用来生成网页包装器的Java工具箱。包装器生成过程由三个独立层:获取层、抽取层和匹配层组成。获取层通过HTTP协议下载页面、清洗,然后按照文档对象模型(DOM)转化为一棵HTML解析树。抽取层应用抽取规则从解析树中抽取信息,保存成W4F的内部格式嵌 套字符串列表(NSL)。匹配层按照匹配规则将NSL结构输出到上层应用
The book has 18 chapters. Chapter 1: Introduction to neural network modeling and simulation. Chapter 2: Simulation Overview - using computer to explore the behavior of neural networks: Examples of biological and artificial neural network simulation
Bash Guide for Beginners: The primary reason for writing this document is that a lot of readers feel the existing HOWTO to be too short
and incomplete, while the Bash scr ipting guide is too much of a reference work. There is nothing in between