内容简介回到顶部↑ 将近三十年的时间里,vi一直是unix与linux采用的标准编辑器,从1986年开始,《学习vi和vim编辑器(第7版)》一直是第一线的vi导引手册。但三十年来,unix已不再是三十年前的样子,这本书也不能一成不变。第7版的《学习vi和vim》涵盖了vim的详细指引,vim是一种很棒的vi同类品。 vim现在是大多数linux系统上的默认编辑器,也是mac os x的默认vi版本,同时能在许多其他操作系统上执行。《学习vi和vim编辑器(第7版)》将说明使用这两种
vi和vim英文参考手册 Many Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X geeks enjoy using the powerful, platform-agnostic text editors vi and Vim, but there are far too many commands for anyone to remember. Author Arnold Robbins has chosen the most valuable commands for vi, Vi
Chapter: 1. The vi Text Editor 2. Simple Editing 3. Moving Around in a Hurry 4. Beyond the Basics 5. Introducing the ex Editor 6. Global Replacement 7. Advanced Editing 8. vi Clones Feature Summary 9. nvi—New vi 10. elvis 11. vim—vi Improved 12. vil
Vi, Vim, and Friends 8 vi 8 STEVIE 9 Elvis 9 Nvi 10 Vim 11 Vile 12 Compatibility 13 Vim is Charityware 14 Summary 14 Chapter 2: Personalizing Vim 15 Where are the Config Files? 16 vimrc 16 gvimrc 17 exrc 17 Changing the Fonts 18 Changing Color Schem