Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing [四年级的无聊事] 1 The Big Winner 1 2 Mr. and Mrs. Juicy-O 5 3 The Family Dog 19 4 My Brother the Bird 27 5 The Birthday Bash 40 6 Fang Hits Town 54 7 The Flying Train Committee 69 8 The TV Star 82 9 Just Another Rainy Day 9
Bloom filters are probabilistic data structures which permit to conve- niently represent set membership. Their performance/memory efficiency makes them appealing in a huge variety of scenarios. Their probabilistic operation, along with the implicit
Dim A
Dim B As String
Dim C As Integer
Dim D As Object
A 等于 Empty,因为尚未初始化的「不定型变量」都等于 Empty。但如果检测 A = “” 或 A = 0,也都可以得到True 值。
B 等于 “”, 因为尚未初始化的非固定长度「字串」都等于 “”。 但请注意B