“ The long-awaited second edition of Wesley Chun’s Core Python Programming proves to be well worth the wait—its deep and broad coverage and useful exercises will help readers learn and practice good Python.” —Alex Martelli, author of Python in a Nut
Java技术手册中文版,英文名字:Java in a Nutshell 3ed;曾被美国纽约图片馆评为21世纪最重要的50本书之一,可想影响力之大,特别是对将要从事、或是想更深研究JAVA的朋友们尤为重要,因为本书不但讲解了JAVA的基础知识,也总结和整理了JAVA常用的函数参考,成为从事JAVA编程的工具书、资料书。
Written by a leading developer and maintainer of the Linux kernel, Linux Kernel in a Nutshell is a comprehensive overview of kernel configuration and building, a critical task for Linux users and administrators.