2010考研单词象形记忆法,共解释了6715个单词和词组,让再也不要记单词,举例如下: unit uni、un【one一:u像杯子-引申为空间,n像门-引申为连接,i像一个小点→在一个空间里连接成一点】,t【固定】 →一个固定的:部件、单元 《黑体的部分是这个单词的中文意思,下面相同》、《“】”右边的第一个尖头“→”起到“冒号”的作用》 name n【门-连接】,a【元音字母“a、e、i、o、u、y”和“元音字母组合”很多情况下都是表达一个单词的声音,就像汉字形声字的声旁,可以没有含义,可以不
This book aims to be a practical guide for game programming, and to get the most out of it, we suggest that you start each chapter by running the chapter°O sample game from the downloadable code on the Apress Web site. Open the pro- ject in Visual S
The simplest way is as an expression in a debugger. You can change debug expressions without recompiling, and you can wait to decide what to write until you have seen the running objects. You can also write test expressions as statements which print