Two important subproblems of computer vision are the detection and recognition of 2D objects in gray-level images. This book discusses the construction and training of models, computational approaches to efficient implementation, and parallel implem
The foundation of all object-oriented software design, including agile methods such as extreme programming, is object thinking. But many developers have not mastered its underlying concepts and principles—relying on methodology and process instead o
PREV NEXT FRAMES NO FRAMES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hibernate API Documentation Hibernate API See: Descr iption Core API org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. org.hiber
Java语言规范: This specification is organized as follows: Chapter 2 describes grammars and the notation used to present the lexical and syntactic grammars for the language. Chapter 3 describes the lexical structure of the Java programming language, whic
[Cracked] PDFTron’s CosEdit is a stand-alone, low-level PDF editor. It allows users to create, browse, and edit PDF and other Cos-based documents at object level, making it a valuable tool for professionals working with PDF, FDF, and PJTF.
LOD is a vital technique for real-time graphics, an essential tool in the developer’s grab bag. Probably every high-performance graphics application or toolkit built in the last five years includes some support for LOD, whether simple or sophisticate
The intent of this book is to help the beginning designer by giving them a sequence of interesting and moderately complex exercises in OO design. This book can also help managers develop a level of comfort with the process of OO software development
This book is about detecting and recognizing 2D objects in gray-level images. Howare models constructed? Howare they trained? What are the computational approaches to efficient implementation on a computer? And finally, how can some of these computa
Hibernate API Documentation (3.1.3) Hibernate API See: Descr iption Core API org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate
Hibernate API Documentation ( Hibernate API See: Descr iption Core API org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibern
Abstract. Unsupervised learning requires a grouping step that defines which data belong together. A natural way of grouping in images is the segmentation of objects or parts of objects. While pure bottom-up segmentation from static cues is well know
When I contemplated writing a tutorial on Objective-C, I had to make a fundamental decision. As with other texts on Objective-C, I could write mine to assume that the reader already knew how to write C programs. I could also teach the language from
Discover object oriented programming with Java in this unique tutorial. This book uses Java and Eclipse to write and generate output for examples in topics such as classes, interfaces, overloading, and overriding. Interactive Object Oriented Program
Learn everything you need to know about object-oriented Javascr ipt with this comprehensive guide. Enter the world of cutting-edge development! About This Book This book has been updated to cover all the new object-oriented features introduced in EC
The goal of this article is to review the state-of-the-art tracking methods, classify them into different categories,and identify new trends. Object tracking, in general, is a challenging problem. Difficulties in tracking objects can arise due to ab