Bio Med Central Page 1 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations Open Access Analytic Perspective Measuring additive interaction using odds ratios Linda Kalilani and Julius Atashili* alth, University of N
Preface vii Prologue 1 What is Mathematics? Chapter 1 13 Why Numbers Count Chapter 2 51 Patterns of the Mind Chapter 3 95 Mathematics in Motion Chapter 4 139 Mathematics Gets into Shape Chapter 5 189 The Mathematics of Beauty Chapter 6 221 What Happ
第一章开胃菜Whetting Your Appetite 1 第二章使用Python解释器Using the Python Interpreter 3 2.1 调用解释器Invoking the Interpreter 2.2 解释器及其环境The Interpreter and Its Environment 第三章Python的非正式介绍An Informal Introduction to Python 9 3.1 初步认识Python Using Python as a Calcula
一本实用的C语言入门教程 英文版 Contents At a Glance Preface xvii 1 Introduction 1 2 Some Fundamentals 5 3 Compiling and Running Your First Program 11 4 Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions 21 5 Program Looping 43 6 Making Decisions 65 7 Working with
protected int N=999;//种群大小 protected int x[]=new int[N] ;//父代x表现型 protected int y[]=new int[N];//父代y表现型 protected int code_x[][]=new int[N][8];//父代x基因型 protected int code_y[][]=new int[N][8];//父代y基因型 protected double suff[]=new double[N];//个体适应度 pro
前言 Front Matter Contents 1. 开胃菜 Whetting Your Appetite 2. 使用Python解释器 Using the Python Interpreter 2.1 调用解释器 Invoking the Interpreter 2.1.1 参数传递 Argument Passing 2.1.2 交互模式 Interactive Mode 2.2 解释器及其环境 The Interpreter and Its Environment 2.2.1 错误处理
Introduction Any idiot can write code. Even teenagers can sling gates and PAL equations around. What is it that separates us from these amateurs? Do years of college necessarily make us professionals, or is there some other factor that clearly delin
这本书在国内已经绝版。目录如下 Introduction Dorit S. Hochbaum 0.1 What can approximation algorithms do for you: an illustrative example 0.2 Fundamentals and concepts 0.3 Objectives and organization of this book 0.4 Acknowledgments I Approximation Algorithms for Sc
We live in an age of unparalleled opportunity for innovation. We're building more products than ever before, but most of them fail--not because we can't complete what we set out to build, but because we waste time, money, and effort building the wro
Things in the world outside IT have changed as well, to put it mildly,as the global economy, currently officially in recession, lurches through financial crisis after crisis and the buying habits and attitudes of people and companies in the develope
When we began creating Unity, we were just three programmers working on a beautiful little game. There weren't any good game engines that one could license without putting down wads of cash, so we created our own. We eventually decided that we enjoy
此书汇集了iPhone应用商店里最好的应用程序,是你在应用中找到需要的应用的最好指南,闲暇时翻翻亦可发现你让你眼前一亮的好软件.工作、生活、消遣、游戏、家庭、出行、健康,各种门类的软件都为你意义归类,精挑细选...... 内容简介: If you want to load your iPhone or iPod Touch with some interesting apps, odds are you'll be overwhelmed by the number of choices at
Perhaps the most common and familiar way that the results of medical research and
epidemiologic investigations are summarized is in a table of counts. Numbers of
subjects with and without the outcome of interest are listed for each treatment or