CPPToolTip控件 链接:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/miscctrl/pptooltip.aspx 截图: 1 CPPToolTip控件介绍 Files Descr iption PPTooltip.h PPTooltip.cpp CPPTooltip class PPHtmlDrawer.h PPHtmlDrawer.cpp CPPHtmlDrawer class. It's need to drawing HTML string in tooltip
Selecting the "Horizontal Scroll" and "Verticla Scroll" styles among the properties of your dialog box in the resource editor, you can add scroll bars to the dialog box. Remember also to select the 'resizing' border style. However f or adding functi
各种消息框的的应用1 创建一个DLG程序 2 添加5个新的对话框资源ID分别为:MsgBoxSimple,MsgBoxOption,MsgBoxCustom,并调整其大小使他们尺寸一样 3 为2中所添加的对话框创建新的类 class CPageSimple : public CPropertyPage class CPageOption : public CPropertyPage class CPageCustom : public CPropertyPage 保存在property.h和p