安装Qt和opencv之后,运行一个main函数,出现该问题,QtOpenCV: error while loading shared libraries: libopencv_core.so.3.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory,对于该问题所缺少的文件
1)在安装OpenCV前需要安装的软件包有 GCC4.4.X or later,可通过命令sudo apt-get install build-essential安装 CMake2.6 or later SVN客户端 GTK+2.Xor higher, including headers(libgtk2.0-dev) pkgconfig Python2.6 or later and Numpy 1.5 or later with developerpackages(python-dev, py
# Author: Mohamed Aly # Date: 10/7/2010 ============================================================================ REAL TIME LANE DETECTOR SOFTWARE ================================================================ ============ This package contain
本文主要是使用C++环境调用模型权重文件而需要的开发环境搭建,Install Options
Install Options
Choose options for installing Cmake 3. 14.3
By default CMake does not add its directory to the system PATH
ODo not add CMake to the system PATH
O Add CMake to the system PATH for all user