// Find Password from winlogon in win2000 / winnt4 + FindPass.cpp // 1. http://www.smidgeonsoft.com/ // 2. shotgun add comment, bingle change a little to find other user in winlogon // This code is licensed under the te rms of the GPL (gnu public l
演示了 Ocx定义的函数形参传递PBYTE的流 传的是PCHAR, 在Ocx里面强转成PBYTE,用形参的长度来读取PBYTE short CMyOcxCtrl::fnTest2(LPCTSTR pPara1, long pLen1) ; void CTestOcxDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here int nBufLen = 0x100; PBYTE pBuf = new BY