H Y D R A (c) 2001-2012 by van Hauser / THC http://www.thc.org co-maintained by David (dot) Maciejak @ gmail (dot) com BFG code by Jan Dlabal Licensed under GPLv3 (see LICENSE file) INTRODUCTION ------------ Number one of the biggest security hole
Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Enter the Third Dimension 7 Getting to grips with 3D 7 Coordinates 8 Local space versus world space 9 Vectors 11 Cameras 11 Projection mode—3D versus 2D 11 Polygons, edges, vertices, and meshes 12 Materials, te
Version V6.48 (2019-07-26) Added flash programming support for AmbiqMicros AMA2B1KK (Apollo2 Blue; AMA2BEVB). Added flash programming support for AmbiqMicros AMA2B1KK (Apollo2 Blue; AMA2BEVB). Added unlocking support for Microchip SAML10 series de