压缩包里详述以下内容: JS: A 可以调用文件外js的函数 只要有包含 B 可以调用同文件内的php函数 C 可以调用文件外的php函数 不行 只能通过ajax调用php函数 而php函数实现xml格式的返回 D 在网页上的数据显示通过 document write PHP: A php可以调用同文件内的php函数 B php可以调用同文件内的JS函数 C php可以调用文件外的php函数 只要include 或require "filename"">压缩包里详述以
If you want to get started with PHP, this book is essential. Author David Sklar (PHP Cookbook) guides you through aspects of the language you need to build dynamic server-side websites. By exploring features of PHP 5.x and the exciting enhancements
Pages : 478 Publisher : McGraw Hill Osbome Media As you might have guessed from the title, PHP: A Beginner’s Guide is intended for users who are new to the PHP programming language. Unlike many other books, PHP: A Beginner’s Guide doesn’t assume pri