算符优先分析法 C++ 编译原理 运行环境:Visual Studio 2005 #include "SStack.h" #include #include using namespace std; class Functor { private : char ** table; string ** production; string prog;//待分析字符串 int p;//字符指针 int num;//终结符个数 int num1;//产生式个数 SStack stack; pu
C++创始人在标准库推出之后写的一篇文章。 Learning Standard C++ as a New Language Bjarne Stroustrup AT&T Labs ABSTRACT To get the most out of Standard C++ [C++,1998], we must rethink the way we write C++ programs. An approach to such a "rethink" is to consider how C++
C o py r ig ht (C ) 1 9 9 9 Alle n B . Dow ne y T his b o o k is a n O p e n So ur c e Te x tb o o k (O ST ). Pe r mis s io n is g r ante d to r e pr o -duc e , s to r e o r tr a ns mit the te x t o f this b o o k by a ny me a ns , e lec tr ic a l,
C++接触理论学习 Chapter 1. Object Lessons In C, a data abstraction and the operations that perform on it are declared separately-that is, there is no language-supported relationship between data and functions. We speak of this method of programming as pro
Essential C++ presents the basics of C++ in the context of procedural, generic, objectbased, and object-oriented programming. It is organized around a series of increasingly complex programming problems, and language features are introduced as solut