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rem rem $Header: summit2.sql 27-jun-2000.12:30:22 slari Exp $ rem rem Copyright (c) 1991, 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. rem rem NAME rem summit2.sql - rem DEscr iptION rem rem RETURNS rem rem FUNCTION rem Create and populate tables
一本国外的关于GNSS系统的书,作者金双根。目录如下 Chapter 1High Sensitivity Techniques for GNSS Signal Acquisitionby Fabio Dovis and Tung Hai Ta Chapter 2Baseband Hardware Designs in Modernised GNSS Receiversby Nagaraj C. Shivaramaiah and Andrew G. Dempster Chapter 3Unamb
The recommendation method we are looking at in this chapter is called collaborative filtering. It's called collaborative because it makes recommendations based on other people— in effect, people collaborate to come up with recommendations. It works