Crawford and Kaplan's J2EE Design Patterns approaches the subject in a unique, highly practical and pragmatic way. Rather than simply present another catalog of design patterns, the authors broaden the scope by discussing ways to choose design patte
This book introduces the theory and practice of pattern-directed refactorings: sequences of low-level refactorings that allow designers to safely move designs to, towards, or away from pattern implementations. Using code from real-world projects, Ke
vi命令详解 文本编辑器是所有计算机系统中最常用的一种工具。UNIX下的编辑器有ex,sed和vi等,其中,使用最为广泛的是vi,而vi命令繁多,论坛里好像这方面的总结不多,以下稍做总结,以资共享!渴望更正和补充! 进入vi的命令 vi filename :打开或新建文件,并将光标置于第一行首 vi +n filename :打开文件,并将光标置于第n行首 vi + filename :打开文件,并将光标置于最后一行首 vi +/pattern filename:打开文件,并将光标置于第一