Nginx 发布最新开发版 1.3.14 改进记录: *) Feature: $connections_active, $connections_reading, and $connections_writing variables in the ngx_http_stub_status_module. *) Feature: support of WebSocket connections in the ngx_http_uwsgi_module and ngx_http_scgi_modu
Chapter 1, A Regular Expression Matcher, by Brian Kernighan, shows how deep insight into a language and a problem can lead to a concise and elegant solution. Chapter 2, Subversion’s Delta Editor: Interface As Ontology, by Karl Fogel, starts with a w
This toolbox is meant to facilitate the manipulation of images and video in Matlab. Its purpose is to complement, not replace, Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox, and in fact it requires that the Matlab Image Toolbox be installed. Emphasis has been p