

  1. SOAP Protocol

  2. 1. Introduction 1.1 Design Goals 1.2 Notational Conventions 1.3 Examples of SOAP Messages 2. The SOAP Message Exchange Model 3. Relation to XML 4. SOAP Envelope 4.1.1 SOAP encodingStyle Attribute 4.1.2 Envelope Versioning Model 4.2 SOAP Header 4.2.1
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2009-05-19
    • 文件大小:237568
    • 提供者:zhongyue001
  1. Addison Wesley - C++ Templates

  2. Chapter 1. About This Book Section 1.1. What You Should Know Before Reading This Book Section 1.2. Overall Structure of the Book Section 1.3. How to Read This Book Section 1.4. Some Rem arks About Programming Style Section 1.5. The Standard ver
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  1. Thinking in Patterns中文版

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  1. FastMorphologyGFC

  2. FastMorphologyGFC ­is a program written in Python to transform an initial rough data matrix of ­Specimens X Characters into a ready to use Nexus Paup-file in fractions of a second. Any type of character can be incorporated, including multistate poly
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  1. java 课程设计双语复习题

  2. Inheritance: extends Inheritance hierarchies: superclasses and subclasses Access rights in inheritance The initialization of subclass’s objects The constructor calling of superclasses Subclasses call methods of superclasses Subtyping, polymorphic va
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  1. 中文版Thinking in Patterns

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  1. 壳程序Anskya Polymorphic Packer 源码

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  1. polymorphic virus analysis

  2. polymorphic virus analysis,一篇病毒分析的文章。
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  1. 源码木马免杀加壳程序Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3.rar

  2. 源码木马免杀加壳程序Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3.rar源码木马免杀加壳程序Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3.rar源码木马免杀加壳程序Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3.rar
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  1. Hibernate实战(第2版) Hibernate之父亲自执笔

  2. ·Hibernate之父亲自执笔 ·无可替代的Hibernate权威参考 ·涵盖Hibernate 3.2 “Hibernate对Java Persistence乃至EJB 3.0的技术方向产生了巨大影响……本书必将成为广大开发人员的知识宝库。” ——Linda Demichiel,Sun公司EJB 3.0和Java Persistence标准负责人 “本书是终极解决方案。如果你是Hibernate开发人员,不要犹豫了,到书店去,买上一本!” ——JavaLobby 内容简介回到顶部↑ 本书全
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  1. IDA Pro反汇编学习资料

  2. The theater of the information security professional has changed drastically in recent years. We are no longer tasked with defending critical organizational assets from the unwelcome inquiry of curious youth; we, as a community, are now faced with f
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  1. enity framework 2008 2010 拓展包

  2. 分别包括 vs2008sp & vs2010 的事例和代码。 1)Execution of store commands via the ObjectContext. 2)Connection lifetime management. 3)State management of entities from external sources. 4)Materialization of arbitrary CLR types given a data reader or DB command. 4
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  1. hibernate3.6 文档(pdf 格式)

  2. 截至 2011-08-29 官方公布的最新 hibernate 文档,此为英文版,配套中文版下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/source/3557584。 详细信息: 版本:3.6.3.Final,作者:Gavin King, Christian Bauer, Max Rydahl Andersen,Emmanuel Bernard, Steve Ebersole, and Hardy Ferentschik。 大小 2.1MB,pdf 格式。 内容预览: Pref
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  1. hibernate_reference3.1

  2. Table of Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................... viii 1. Introduction to Hibernate ..................................................
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  1. Polymorphic Time Systems for Estimating Program Complexity

  2. Polymorphic Time Systems for Estimating Program Complexity
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  1. Anskya Polymorphic Packer V 1.3

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  2. Laravel开发-improved-polymorphic-eloquent-builder 由于雄辩无法确定要检索的正确模型,尝试使用具有标准雄辩多态关系的wherehas查询将失败。“改进的多态雄辩生成器”是一个类,它将内置的雄辩生成器类扩展到Laravel 5.1。它允许有限地使用Wherehas方法查询雄辩的多态关系。
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  1. Isolation and characterization of ten novel polymorphic microsatellites loci in the Chinese pond turtle (Mauremys reeves

  2. 乌龟十个新微卫星位点的分离鉴定及在其它曲颈龟类中的跨物种扩增,刘罗,聂刘旺,Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the Chinese Pond turtle (Mauremys reevesii) from (AC)n and (GATA)n microsatellite-enriched genomic library. We screened 32 wi
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  1. django-polymorphic:通过自动向下转换改进了Django模型继承-源码

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