《内网端口映射》 在本软件可以设置路由器上的端口映射到你内网电脑的端口上,在你的电脑上运行该软件就不需要上路由器设置了,没有路由器权限也可以很轻松地进行端口映射的设置。本软件为绿色软件,不需要安装,直接运行即可。 此工具一定要保证路由器开启UPNP协议才可以使用 Mapping the network port The software can be installed in the port mapping router to your computer network within the
TCP/IP port redirector with many features for the advanced user. "Like a Swiss Army Knife". * TCP: IP security (and stealth ports on 2000/XP) * TCP: SSL&TLS; using OpenSSL * TCP: tunnelling of connections through HTTP proxies * TCP: speed limiting,