学嵌入式必读bootloader,vivi是一款学习中很常用的bootloader Getting started with vivi Janghoon Lyu (nandy@mizi.com) This is a short introduction about the vivi. Revision History Revision v0.1 2002-10-21 Revised by: jl Initial public release. very very short descr ipt
ak2新版内核 AceKard All-In-One (AK-AIO) v1.5 ---------------------------------- Credits ------- AKAIO: By Normmatt (http://normmatt.com), normmatt234 \AT/ gmail \DOT/ com By Smiths of Emuholic (http://www.emuholic.com), smiths \AT/ emuholic \DOT/ com By
1 , vb5dialog.zipThis demonstrates how to subclass the Common Dialog Dialogs and manipulate a specific Dialog.2 , cpnl.zipForm_Taskbar is a control for Visual Basic which, once placed onto a form, makes the form act like the Taskbar (minus the Start
目录如下: Android Platform Developer's Guide 4 About this Guide 4 Intended Audience 4 Getting Started with Android 4 Android Build System 4 In this document 4 Building the Android Platform 6 Building the Android Kernel 8 Build Variants 9 Configuring a N
Linux System Administrator Guide Version0.9Table of ContentsAbout This Book.................................................................................................................................................11. Acknowledgments..........
笔记本的风扇控制 ---------------------------------------- 09 November 2006. Summary of changes for version 20061109: 1) ACPI CA Core Subsystem: Optimized the Load ASL operator in the case where the source operand is an operation region. Simply map the opera
This document specifies the Preboot Execution Environment (PXE). PXE embodies three technologies that will establish a common and consistent set of pre-boot services within the boot firmware of Intel Architecture systems.
README for preparing SD/MMC/Micro-SD CARD for booting Android Pre-Requesites -------------- 1) Need to have an SD/MMC/Micro-SD card with atleast 2GB of size. 2) The scr ipt needs to be invoked from ubuntu linux machine 8.04 or above. 3) User needs t
IPMI 接口标准第二版
Intelligent Platform Management
Interface Specification
Second GenerationIntelligent Platform Management Interface Specification
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