难得一见的项目群组管理的书籍 All of your projects and programs make up your portfolio. But how much time you actually spend on your projects, and how much time do you spend responding to emergencies? This book will introduce you to different ways of ordering all
Book Descr iption Bridging the gap between the palm-sized iPod touch and a full-sized computer, Apple’s iPad offers enough screen area and horsepower to perform the day-to-day tasks most people want to do. Packed with practical knowledge, this book
Learn how to be more productive with Scala, a new multi-paradigm language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that integrates features of both object-oriented and functional programming. With this book, you'll discover why Scala is ideal for highly s
Apache Struts is one of the most successful open source projects ever created. With theexception of “infrastructure” projects such as Linux, MySQL, and various programming languages,few other open source frameworks have managed to have the success,
AraçKiralama Sistemi(汽车租赁系统)
卜幻灯,井在线eğitimplatformu olan Kodloma.io'da tarafındanverilen “YazılımGeliştiriciYetiştirmeKampı” ICIN Tekrar已经geliştirmeprojesi(ReCapProject)olmasıamacıylaoluşturulmuştur。 Proje,bir araba kiralama sistemi olup proje dil