

  1. Math Word Problems Demystified

  2. Preface ix LESSON 1 Introduction to Solving Word Problems 1 LESSON 2 Solving Word Problems Using Whole Numbers 6 REFRESHER I Decimals 11 LESSON 3 Solving Word Problems Using Decimals 14 REFRESHER II Fractions 18 LESSON 4 Solving Word Problems Using
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2009-05-26
    • 文件大小:3145728
    • 提供者:osoon
  1. Real-Life Math - Everyday Use of Mathematical Concepts

  2. Introduction, ix MATHEMATICALCONCEPTS Angle, 1 Asymptote, 7 Cartesian Coordinates, 10 Circles, 12 Circumference, 16 Complex Numbers, 16 Conic Sections, 18 Counting, 21 Derivative, 23 Equations, 23 Expected Value, 26 Exponential Decay, 28 Exponential
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  1. Expectation Maximization image segmentation

  2. Input: % ima: grey color image % k: Number of classes % Output: % mask: clasification image mask % mu: vector of class means % v: vector of class variances % p: vector of class proportions % % Example: [mask,mu,v,p]=EMSeg(image,3);
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  1. jquery需要的所有js文件

  2. jquery需要的所有js文件 /*! * jQuery UI 1.8.18 * * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * http://docs.jquery.com/UI */(function(a,b){function d(b){retu
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  1. The Project Manager"s Guide to Mastering Agile Wiley 2015

  2. The Project Management Profession is beginning to go through rapid and profound transformation due to the widespread adoption of agile methodologies. Those changes are likely to dramatically change the role of project managers in many environments a
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  1. GNMF_Multi.m

  2. Hyperspectral unmixing is one of the most important techniques in analyzing hyperspectral images, which decomposes a mixed pixel into a collection of constituent materials weighted by their proportions. Recently, many sparse nonnegative matrix facto
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  1. JAVE-1.0.2 jar

  2. The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project. Developers can take take advantage of JAVE to transcode audio and video files from a format to another. In example you can transcode an AVI file to a MPEG one, you ca
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  1. 黄金分割工具

  2. PS黄金分割工具 Divine Proportions Toolkit.zxp
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  1. Responsive.Typography.Using.Type.Well.on.the.Web

  2. Responsive web design helps your site maintain its design integrity on a variety of screen sizes, but how does it affect your typography? With this practical book, graphic designers, web designers, and front-end developers alike will learn the nuts
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  1. From AI to Robotics_Mobile, Social, and Sentient Robots-CRC(2018).pdf

  2. Since Walter’s Turtles, technology has come a long way and we can now boast of state-of-the-art robots, such as ASIMO, PR2, NaO and Pepper. My interest in this field of study, which has taken on obsessive proportions, is due to my academic backgroun
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  1. Applied_Meta-Analysis_with_R.pdf

  2. 本书详细地介绍了如何用R语言进行meta分析,讲解全面细致并附上代码Chapman Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series Editor-in-Chief Shein-Chung Chow, Ph D Professe Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Duke University School of Medicine Durham north carolina Series Editors Byron Jones
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    • 发布日期:2019-07-16
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  1. sketch-divine-proportions, 用于草图的神圣比例工具箱.zip

  2. sketch-divine-proportions, 用于草图的神圣比例工具箱 绘制神圣比例 基本上,它是 https://github.com/marcosecchi/divine_proportions_toolkit的克隆版本。但还没有完全克隆。 我正在努力.正在安装插件下载ZIP文件。打开草图神
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  1. Proportions, Odds, and Risk.pdf

  2. Perhaps the most common and familiar way that the results of medical research and epidemiologic investigations are summarized is in a table of counts. Numbers of subjects with and without the outcome of interest are listed for each treatment or ri
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  1. Testing the equality of several independent binomial proportions based on asymptotic and resampling method

  2. 基于渐进和重抽样二项分布的等价性检验,李杰,邓丽君,本文讨论了k(k>2)个独立二项分布比例的等价性检验问题。主要讨论了似然比,Socre和Wald统计量在MaxT,MinP和Step-down方法下的第一类错误的概�
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  1. Benefits of beta-blockers according to varying male proportions of study patients:a meta-analysis of randomized,double-b

  2. 基于性别不同的慢性心衰患者使用beta受体阻滞剂获益的meta分析,贺永明,杨向军,目的:心衰患者使用beta-受体阻滞剂可降低死亡率。本研究旨在阐明指南所推荐的三种beta-受体阻滞剂:美托洛尔,卡维地洛尔和比索洛�
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  1. bsiso13715-2017standard国际标准79.pdf

  2. bsiso13715-2017standard国际标准79.pdf 毛刺倒角sharpedge edge break最新国际标准BssO13715:2017 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 13715 Third edition 2017-03 Technical product documentation Edges of undefined shape Indication and dimensioning Documentation technique de prod
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  1. 用于Photoshop的divine-proportions-toolkit:用于Photoshop CS5和CS6的扩展,用于使用神的比例合成图像-源码

  2. 神的比例工具包 请注意,该项目不再处于积极开发中。 此外,由于Adobe不再支持这种技术,因此它不适用于较新版本的Photoshop 该工具包通过一系列特征和功能简化了构成作品的过程(无论是照片还是设计),这些特征和功能创建了模仿神圣比例的形状。 使用该工具包非常简单:只需选择一个图层,进行选取框选择,然后选择所需的路径类型即可。 然后,您可以缩放,旋转或编辑路径。 如何编译 此扩展是使用开发的(只需打开.gpc文件)。 参考和文件 有关如何使用该工具包的文档可以在上。 二进制下载
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    • 发布日期:2021-03-02
    • 文件大小:185344
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  1. 双放电CO

  2. The experimental results on the quality of output beam and pulse width are summarized. Unstable resonstor is effective in improving the beam quality, the pulse widths can be adjusted in 1-100 microsecond range by changing the gas pressures and propor
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    • 发布日期:2021-02-09
    • 文件大小:5242880
    • 提供者:weixin_38563525
  1. sketch-toggle-constrain-proportions:使用您自己的可配置键盘快捷键切换约束比例设置-源码

  2. 一个简单的插件,其中添加了菜单项,因此您可以为“切换约束比例”命令配置键盘快捷键。 这个插件与其他插件相似,但是该插件与Sketch中引入的新插件方法兼容39 45.而且此插件未与您可能永远不会使用的任何其他插件捆绑在一起… 使用Sketch Runner安装 使用Sketch Runner,只需转到“ install标签并搜索“ Toggle Constrain Proportions 。 Runner允许您管理插件,并可以做更多的事情来加快Sketch中的工作流程。 。 手动安装 双击to
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-02-06
    • 文件大小:150528
    • 提供者:weixin_42134769