We are visual animals. But before we can see the world in its true splendor, our brains, just like our computers, have to sort and organize raw data, and then transform that data to produce new images of the world. Beginning Python Visualization:
前言 Front Matter Contents 1. 开胃菜 Whetting Your Appetite 2. 使用Python解释器 Using the Python Interpreter 2.1 调用解释器 Invoking the Interpreter 2.1.1 参数传递 Argument Passing 2.1.2 交互模式 Interactive Mode 2.2 解释器及其环境 The Interpreter and Its Environment 2.2.1 错误处理
python中文手册 前言 Front Matter Contents 1. 开胃菜 Whetting Your Appetite 2. 使用Python解释器 Using the Python Interpreter 2.1 调用解释器 Invoking the Interpreter 2.1.1 参数传递 Argument Passing 2.1.2 交互模式 Interactive Mode 2.2 解释器及其环境 The Interpreter and Its Environment