Our purpose in Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 is to point out both the new and the improved in the latest version of SQL Server. Because this version is Release 2 (R2) of SQL Server 2008, you might think the changes are relatively minor—mo
包含8给PDF文档 1)E10817 Oracle® Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows 2)E10818 Oracle® Real Application ClustersInstallation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows 3)E10842 Oracle® Database Release No
《Windows Server 2008 R2安装与管理》是台湾微软资深顾问、微软认证讲师、微软认证系统工程师戴有炜先生的最新力作,他所编写的相关专题图书畅销两岸,广受读者支持。《Windows Server 2008 R2安装与管理》作者完全站在使用者的角度,通过不断测试与验证书中所述内容,并融合多年的实践经验,全面介绍了Windows Server 2008 R2的强大功能和使用方法。全书共19章,包括Windows Server 2008 R2基本概念、Windows Server 20