This paper covers the lessons learned while integrating RAL in an automated register definition flow from Word document specification to Testbench infrastructure genera-tion and RTL implementation. It includes the initial thought process involved in
UVM RAL Adapter
With the UVM Register model, we do design register access, i.e WRITE to the design register or READ from the design register by calling RAL methods. Finally, these transactions have to be placed to design bus, this will be done
Register Access without RAL Model
In this section will see an example that shows one of the ways to access DUT registers without the UVM RAL Model.Let’s consider a DMA design which consists of registers in it and reg_interface is used to acces
Integrating RAL to Agent
Once after the RAL implementation, RAL has to be connected with the Bus Agent. This section describes connecting RAL with the sequencer and monitor of the bus.
Integrating Bus Sequencers
All integration approaches r