A well-developed database protection plan is essential to any DBA’s survival toolkit. The plan should minimally cover the ‘what and how’ in backing up critical data to local disk, onsite/offsite tape, or other tertiary storage: • What? -- what are t
NetApp高可用性介绍 Key Points: •Business continuity: Enable continuous availability •Disaster recovery: Protect critical business data from planned and unplanned events •Flexible RPO and RTO to meet your service level requirements •Ease of use: Simple to
恢复时间目标(recovery time objective,RTO)是指在故障或灾难发生之后,一台电脑、系统、网络或应用程序停止工作的最高可承受时间。恢复时间目标是一项职能,用于评估灾难扰乱正常运营的程度和灾难在单位时间里所造成的收入损失。这些因素又取决于受影响的设备和应用程序。恢复时间目标(RTO)是以秒、分钟、小时或天数来衡量的,它是灾难恢复规划(DRP)中的一个重要考虑因素。